Oakland County Road Commission Will Be Seeking Property Rights on Novi Road

The Road Commission will be widening Novi Road between Eight and Nine Mile.  Based on plans available on its website, some properties on the east side of Novi Road already are encumbered by 60 foot right of ways.  Others are only subject to 33 foot right of ways, meaning that the Road Commission will be seeking easements that push 27 feet into the properties.

The easement that I have seen would allow the Road Commission to close the existing driveway, although that is probably not their intent. However, nothing in the language of that easement requires it to preserve the existing driveway. The Road Commission is offering only nominal just compensation and disregarding potential impacts like rendering the property non-compliant with zoning setbacks, relocation or loss of signage, and loss of vegetation required to comply with zoning. Agency appraisers frequently discount property that is acquired where it is in a setback. However, if the front yard setback that was increased to accommodate a future road project, that must be disregarded in the valuation process. 

I seek additional just compensation on a contingent fee which, along with the cost of obtaining our own appraisal, is generally reimbursed by the agency. 

 If you are one of the impacted property owners, please feel free to contact me about potential representation.


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