Wolverine Pipe Line Company filing Condemnations in Washtenaw County for Detroit Multi Access Project
Thursday, July 21, 2016 at 1:12PM
Clark Hill

Wolverine appears to be staging the filing of lawsuits to secure rights from larger, commercial properties in Washtenaw County before implementing processes against residential properties in Wayne and Washtenaw Counties.

Wolverine Pipe Line Company is proposing to build a new pipeline from its terminal in Freedom Township in Washtenaw County to a terminal in Woodhaven in Southwest Wayne County.  The 35 mile pipeline is intended to carry 90,000 barrels of gasoline and diesel fuel.  Eminent domain will be used to secure additional property rights needed to build the project.

Wolverine has filed a number of lawsuits.  While the project entails acquisition of property rights in both Washtenaw and Wayne counties, it appears that the first phase of condemnation lawsuits involve filings in Washtenaw County.

Residential property owners that I represent in both Wayne and Washtenaw Counties have not even received statutory good faith offers yet.  Thus, it appears that these owners will not be subjected to lawsuits for at least a month, assuming that settlements cannot be achieved upon receipt of good faith offers.

I represent a wide variety of property owners confronted by this Wolverine project.  If Wolverine or any other pipeline has contacted you, please feel free to contact me.

Article originally appeared on Clark Hill Property Owner Condemnation Services (http://michigancondemnationblog.com/).
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